Learn More About Your Users with Less Time and Money: Remote User Testing and Research

Monday, October 27, 2008

At ProQuest in Ann Arbor, MI

Barb Hernandez, Josephine Scott, and Casey Wright, ProQuest

User Experience Practitioners at TechSmith, maker of Morae and UserVue, Hernandez, Scott, & Wright have attempted a variety of unique methods of getting feedback from varied users in diverse locations. In their presentation, they will talk about how the practice of remote testing and field research has evolved alongside network technologies and conferencing tools. Now, researchers can visit and observe users in their offices or homes from their own offices or homes. The variety of networking tools available makes it less expensive and time consuming to gather more feedback from more users. They will discuss their own experiences conducting a variety of research methods remotely, as well as the tools and methodologies used, and challenges and successes experienced.

Barb Hernandez
User Experience Manager
TechSmith Corporation

Ms. Hernandez specializes in using User Centered Design techniques to drive the user experience for technology products. She has led the user centered design efforts for cross-functional teams and has been involved in all stages of product development, including investigation and analysis, defining detailed requirements, creating prototypes, running usability tests and conducting usability evaluations. She has worked on the design and usability testing of graphical user interfaces, content Web sites, Web-based applications, and interfaces for hand-held devices including cells phones and PDAs. At TechSmith Barb focuses on helping teams make design decisions grounded in user intelligence.

Josephine Scott
Senior User Experience Researcher
TechSmith Corporation

Ms. Scott currently serves as Senior User Experience Researcher at TechSmith Corporation. She has provided usability, user experience research, information architecture and user-centered design services for an energy company, a major bookseller, for automotive manufacturers and software producers.  She is an active member of the Usability Professionals’ Association, and involved with the Voting and Usability Project.  She helped to facilitate a UPA voting workshop in 2004 and a series of other projects for organizations like Design for Democracy and IEEE. She presented a portion of the interactive session, “Recommendations on Recommendations,” with Rolf Molich at CHI 2007.

Josephine received her bachelor’s from Michigan State University and a master’s of science in Information Management and Communications from Walsh College.

Casey Wright
User Experience Researcher
TechSmith Corporation
Ms. Wright serves as a User Experience Researcher at TechSmith Corporation, a software design company. She graduated in May 2007 with her M.A. from Michigan State University’s Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing program. Her B.A. is in English, also from MSU. During her graduate study, she worked at MSU’s Usability and Accessibility Center as a usability specialist and graduate research assistant. She has a background in communication and design which has positioned her as a professional technical communicator specializing in human-computer interaction and usability, with specific experience and skills focused on user experience research and design. She is a member of the Usability Professionals’ Association and the Society for Technical Communication.


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